If you're familiar with Bristol's recycling system, you'll know that every unit (be it a household or flat) gets a black kerbside box to place all their recyclable wares in it.
This house (which has been split into a number of flats, I've been inside...) has decided to pool together their recycling boxes to sort their recyclables... interesting..!
AHH Efficiency.. which is also the reason why I only take the recycling out once a month hohoho <3
that is interesting...i like the idea of that!..althou i dont recycle myself..oops!..but proberly shud start
Efficiency... I suppose it makes it easier providing theres a decent amount in each box.
Food waste is out every week, and that bin as a result gets used more than any other. Next is paper and cans: every 2-4. Glass rarely gets recycled because I hoard the jars (despite the fact I never use them - and Cris wants them now, so....). Tetrapaks go out once every 2-3 months?!! -mainly because they need to go to the big Tesco's.. and likewise with plastic, dad seems to do a good job of mixing up the plastic and carting it off before I have chance to sort it! For reference, recycling is weekly, and rubbish is fortnightly. I take out my rubbish bin once every 3-4 weeks roughly, so yes Cris, never too late to start. I can't bring myself to put stuff in the bin knowing its wasted resources and a waste of landfill space (especially with some of the crazy packing lunatics who think making a neat little transparent box for some veg and the like is a good idea).
On that note El, mum and dad buying food for me gives me no control over what products I purchase and I do tend to generally buy products with packaging that I know is easier to recycle - M&S is good in labelling, Sainsburys is OK but Tesco is bad.
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