Sunday 21 June 2009

End of term BBQ

It's the end of term, my exams were out of the way some time ago now, and I am enjoying my summer - very much unlike any summer I've had in the past. I'm hanging around which is nice as I see people come and go - old friends come, new ones go... as typical of holiday periods. Although I've got a dissertation to sort out, I've been taking my time over it (for now anyway) since I don't often get the opportunity to kick back a little in this way. I am usually burdened with something, and come this week, I will have to go back to Swansea to help in the shop. Shop stuff is fair enough though - any other chores I can dislike.

Anyway - Sherry held a BBQ to which a number of friends came. Alex and Ralf were in Bristol visiting so it was great they could come. It was a great gathering, shame some people couldn't make it and some had to leave early, but still good to see most.

David and me

Early on...

Sherry barbecuing some lovely chicken and veg skewers =D Yummy!

Our favourite Redlander: Geth

Human Pyramid

We tried again with 5 at the bottom but some people chickened out and it didn't last anyway...!

1 comment:

Rinny said...

or more like Sveta fell on everyone!